Chiropractic Treatment of Headache in Pacific Beach, San Diego

Chiropractic Treatment of Headaches

Do Chiropractic Treatment for Headaches work? 

Your chiropractor will examine the spinal segments of the neck, focusing on the top of the neck and the base of the skull. They will also assess the surrounding ligaments and muscles. Based on the exam results, the chiropractor will gently realign any misaligned segments using targeted adjustments.

Additionally, your chiropractor will gather a detailed history, including your stress patterns, physical activity, water intake, diet, sleep habits, and other relevant factors. This information helps identify lifestyle changes that can alleviate your headaches and improve your overall well-being.

What does a headache feel like?

A headache can present itself in a variety of ways.  A headache can be a throbbing and pulsing pain on one or both sides of the head, the pain can be behind the eye, or the pain can feel like a tightening sensation on both sides of the head. 

Is this a headache or a migraine? 

Migraine headaches, begin with blind spots surrounded by flashing lights or other visual disturbances.  It can last 30 minutes to several hours or, in extreme cases, a few days.  Being in a room with bright lights can be difficult.  With headaches, there could be the feeling of being nauseous, dizzy, or having double vision.  There is also usually a feeling of pressure in the head.  Some people notice associated neck pain or a difficulty in turning the neck to one side but not the other.

Why do I get headaches?

Not drinking enough water is a common cause of a headache.  Another frequent cause is misalignment of a bone in the neck or the Occiput which is the bone at the base of the skull.  Every nerve and vessel going to and from the brain, as well as the brainstem, transmit through this area at the base of the head.  When the bones there are misaligned, they can affect both the blood flow and transmission of signals over the nervous system which often leads to headaches.  These misalignments can also cause a tightening of the muscles and ligaments and pain in the head.


What stretches and strengthening exercises can be done to alleviate headaches?

Stretch the suboccipital muscles and muscles of the neck.