Mayo Chiropractic: A Center for Life

Chiropractic Care of Babies and Children in Pacific Beach, San Diego

Chiropractic Care of Babies and Children

Why is it important for a child to receive Chiropractic care?

Well over half of an infant’s neurological development is permanently set by the time the infant is six months of age. Therefore, it is vital to receive gentle and safe Chiropractic adjustments to ensure proper growth throughout childhood.

The very first stress a baby experiences while entering the world can occur in the process of birthing. During birth, there is often torque/strain on a baby’s head and neck. This is the area where the brain stem exits and where all the nerves and vessels going to and from the brain are located. This is why it is important to get your infant checked by a chiropractor as soon as possible. This can occur as soon as an hour after birth!

As children continue to grow, they experience many stressors from falls, bumps, and slips as they learn to walk, ride a bike, and play sports. They can be further stressed anywhere from exposure to chemicals in food and medications to emotional challenges at school or home. All of these discomforts and stresses place strain on a child’s spine and nervous system, compromising how the body functions. Shouldn’t we make sure that a child’s nervous system is working properly from day one?

What are the benefits of Chiropractic care for a child?

Pediatric Chiropractic care is a powerful way for parents to help their kids develop optimally and heal naturally. It’s a child’s nervous system that controls their amazing development. The nervous system regulates all of the body’s functions including, digestion, respiration, and immunity (among others). It is responsible for healing, growth, and regeneration of cells. For this to occur without interference, children must be free from vertebral subluxations, which is a Chiropractor’s main focus. Chiropractic is a safe and natural way to help children develop to their fullest potential.

When a children have stress on their spine and nervous system from subluxations, they can have a variety of symptoms including colic, ear infections, and feeding problems. When a child gets adjusted and stress is taken off his/her spine and nervous system, the body functions better, recovers from stress more quickly, and the immune system works more efficiently. All this leads to less sickness!

Is a Chiropractic adjustment safe for a child?

Yes, a Chiropractic adjustment is safe for children! Chiropractic adjustments for children are very gentle and specific. Right after birth, the pressure of an adjustment is that of the pinky fingertip. The adjustment is meant to assist the body towards a direction that keeps children healthy and thriving. There are many adjusting techniques just for children that are appropriate for all ages and stages of growth and development.

How often should a child be given a Chiropractic adjustment?

The first step is for your child to be evaluated by your local San Diego Chiropractor. Next, your Chiropractor will determine a care plan to fit your child’s individual needs.

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