Learn about subluxations and vitalism

Back adjustment

At Mayo Chiropractic: A Center for Life, we embrace a unique approach to health and healing. We believe in the innate healing potential within every person. That’s why we focus on the whole person, not just the symptoms. Your body has remarkable inborn intelligence. We believe that the same power that created it can also heal it, provided this intelligence is fully expressed. To achieve this, we work to maximize the flow of Life Force throughout your body. We do this by removing interference in the nervous system through chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care restores and maintains your body’s neurological connections through precise adjustments. This process is essential for allowing your body to function at its best and achieve its full potential.

So, what disrupts these vital neurological connections? The answer is subluxation.

Subluxation occurs when misalignments in your spine lead to reduced functioning in your nervous system. This misalignment results in a partial loss of neurological connection between your brain and body, ultimately diminishing your health potential. Subluxations can stem from three main sources: thoughts, traumas, and toxins. Traumas are often the most apparent, arising from falls, poor posture, accidents, or repetitive motions. Toxins include harmful substances we ingest or essential nutrients that are lacking, which can further impact your overall well-being. Thoughts, however, can be more elusive—stressful situations in our personal lives, workplaces, or other emotional challenges can contribute significantly to subluxations.

If you are ready to take charge of your health and experience the benefits of chiropractic care, we are here to provide an exceptional chiropractic experience tailored to your needs. Our approach is designed to support you and your body’s natural ability to heal and thrive, helping you achieve better health and a higher quality of life.

Schedule an appointment today!